General Instructions: Your body might come forward as well due to the balance factor in which then you just step slightly forward being mindful of the fact that you can not step over that line before the ball hits the rim of the basket (standard basketball rules). Once the ball has hit the rim of the basket you can return to your stance and await to recieve the ball to prepare for your second foul shot.
Shoulder Girdle: Return to fundamental position, from follow through to recovery- downward rotation using rhomboids and pectoralis minor.
Shoulder Joint: Since your shoulder joint is flexed from releasing the ball to shoot in the movement stage, you will bring your arms back down to approximately 90 degrees and ready position for the rebound. Because you are forcing your arm to the extended position you will be using pectoralis major lower fibers, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, teres major, infrapsinatus, and teres minor.
Elbow/ Radioulnar Joint: Concentrically contract triceps brachii and anconeus to allow for relaxed flexion of bilateral elbow joints. Neutral grip of your bilateral radioulnar joint will cause activation of your brachioradialis.
Hip Joint/Pelvic Girdle: No movement.
Knee Joint: Slight flexion of your knee will cause little eccentric contraction of your quadireps muscles.
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