General Instructions: Spread your legs/feet shoulder width apart. Split your stance where your dominant foot is slightly in front of your nondominant foot. Your feet want to be approximately 5-10 inches away from the foul line. Bend your knees, keeping them soft and drop your butt where most of your weight is driving through the heels of your feet. The ball will be given to you when your feet/legs are in the ready position. Hold the ball while remaining relaxed. Basically fundamental positioning.
Shoulder Girdle: Slightly adducted (retracted) using your rhomboids and middle/lower fibers of trapezius muscles to maintain the shoulders back/proper posture, and straight back. Also might be have depression using your trapezius and pectoralis minor.
Shoulder Joint: No movement. Your shoulder joint in this phase are more relaxed and waiting for the next phase of the movement.
Elbow/ Radioulnar Joint: Concentrically contract triceps brachii and anconeus to allow for relaxed flexion of bilateral elbow joints. Neutral grip of your bilateral radioulnar joint will cause activation of your brachioradialis.
Hip Joint/Pelvic Girdle: No movement.
Knee Joint: Slight flexion of your knee will cause little eccentric contraction of your quadireps muscles.
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